ECTS-database Plantijn Hogeschool

Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations - 3JAP - Onderdelen - Elementary Dutch language

O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
Afstudeerrichting: JP:Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations
Code: 30462
Academiejaar: 2010-2011
Type: keuze
Niveau: inleidend
Programmajaar: 3
Periode binnen het modeltraject: Semester 1
Aantal studiepunten: 5
Wegingscoëfficient: 1
Totaal aantal contacturen: 0
Totaal studietijd: 130
Deeltijds programma:
Examencontract: niet mogelijk
Deliberatie: mogelijk
Vrijstelling of overdracht: niet mogelijk
Onderwijstaal: Engels
Lector(en): Mols Vera


Our objective is to provide our incoming Erasmus students with a good basic knowledge of the Dutch language and Flemish culture in a first step to acquaint them with the area in which they will be spending their Erasmus period and so feel at home.  In a second step they will feel what it means to be European citizens and get to know the variety of European countries.  In a third step we believe these students will grow as world citizens, who are acquainted to different cultures. 

 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

Algemene competenties

    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
      Beroepsspecifieke competenties

        The main objective of the course is to stimulate and improve the communication of the Erasmus students with their environment, so that they will be able to overcome the language barrier and get out the most of their Erasmus experience.
        The course is therefore intended to provide practice in the understanding, production and use of colloquial Dutch and to provide the students with basic understanding of the Flemish culture, in order to help them to communicate at a basic level with other students and interlocutors.
        This course aims at  the A1 level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
        We aim to provide basic communicative skills with an emphasise on the oral communication.
        The student can produce basic phrases about time, people and places. He/she can describe everyday aspects of his/her study experience. He/she can give a simple description or presentation of people, living or studying conditions as a short series of simple phrases and sentences. He/she can fill in uncomplicated forms with personal details, name and address.
        It all concerns ‘real life’ situations.

        Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

        Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

        Andere begincompetenties



        Soort werkvorm uren  


        hoor- en werkcolleges:



        practicum en oefeningen:



        vormen van groepsleren:



        studietijd buiten contacturen:



        Verdere toelichting:
        Two classes will offer each 60 hours in total, being 46 hours in the class, including role play,  practice conversation/language laboratory,  6 hours of presentation of a chosen case, and 8 hours of guided teamwork and self study.  These hours give the possibility to obtain 5 ECTS credits, provided the student has regularly followed the courses and has taken exams.


        Eerste examenperiode
        Assessment is continuous and formative during the course as well as summative at the end of the EILC Dutch course.
        We will organise a formal final oral exam and a short written test with emphasise on practical communication.  A second chance test can be organised after 2 weeks on demand of the student.
        In the study landscape in the department, students can use digital materials to support their study.

        tijd voor examinering


        Tweede examenperiode



        3 JAP : Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations
           This is a programme for incoming Erasmus students.

        For more information :
        click here