ECTS-database Plantijn Hogeschool

Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations - 3JAP - Onderdelen - Public affairs

O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
Afstudeerrichting: JP:Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations
Code: 30480
Academiejaar: 2010-2011
Type: keuze
Niveau: gespecialiseerd
Programmajaar: 3
Periode binnen het modeltraject: Semester 1
Aantal studiepunten: 3
Wegingscoëfficient: 1
Totaal aantal contacturen: 0
Totaal studietijd: 78
Deeltijds programma:
Examencontract: niet mogelijk
Deliberatie: mogelijk
Vrijstelling of overdracht: niet mogelijk
Onderwijstaal: Engels
Lector(en): Hye Dirk


This course investigates the essence of Public Relations: retaining relations with crucial target groups
such as government and the environment. Quite often this includes capitalizing on public opinion. This
means that the role of the press is a crucial factor. This course also analyzes the working of the
European decision-making process in order to understand how decisions can be influenced. The
course includes typical lobbying techniques and strategies. This is illustrated by means of some
important issues and an analysis of the strengths of the different stakeholders involved.

 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

Algemene competenties

    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
      Beroepsspecifieke competenties

        Students are aware of the importance of environmental and government relations and particularly of
        the major influence of the European Union on issues concerning companies as well as interest groups
        and non profit organisations; getting acquainted with lobbying techniques and strategies; students can
        analyze an issue: mapping the different stakeholders and their arguments; students can make an
        analysis of all the stakeholders that influence the decision-making process of a certain issue.

        Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

        Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

        Andere begincompetenties
        only available with a good knowledge of Public Relations


        Soort werkvorm uren  


        hoor- en werkcolleges:



        practicum en oefeningen:



        vormen van groepsleren:



        studietijd buiten contacturen:



        Verdere toelichting:
        Lectures and guest lectures; cooperative learning; syllabus; power point presentations; internet
        research; following the news is very important


        Eerste examenperiode
        The exam consists of two parts:
        First part (60%): written exam based on the knowledge of syllabus and power point slides
        Second part (40%) = writing a group paper (3 to 4 students in a group) which analyzes the stakeholder
        field of an issue. This paper needs to be handed in at the end of the semester.
        A task or assignment that is handed over too late receives a score of 0. The scores of partial exams
        are counted up.
        If one literally takes over statements from another without mentioning the source of this quote, a
        form of intellectual theft (plagiarism) is committed. Plagiarism is punished following the procedure
        mentioned in articles 94 to 97 of the OER.

        tijd voor examinering


        Tweede examenperiode



        3 JAP : Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations
           This is a programme for incoming Erasmus students.

        For more information :
        click here